Gum Disease Treatment & Prevention

gum disease

Gum disease which is also known as periodontal disease, is a infection of the gums surrounding your teeth. They are the top reasons for tooth loss in adults, and its pain free so most patients do not know that they have it. During each regular checkup, Dr Sun will check for signs of periodontal disease by measuring the space between the teeth and the gums.

What causes gum disease?

Gum disease is mostly caused by a buildup of plaque that forms a film on the surface of the teeth. If its not removed by regular dental cleanings it can continue to build up and create toxins to the gums. The disease creates small pockets that separate the gums from the teeth. They are two stages: gingivitis and periodontitis.

Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease. The gums become red and swollen, and they can bleed easily. This stage can be treated by daily regular cleaning.

The second stage is periodontitis. If gingivitis is left untreated, it advance into periodontitis which can cause the gums and bones that support the teeth become seriously damaged and the teeth can be loose, fall out

Certain factors can increase a patient's risk of developing periodontal disease, including:

There are many factors that can increase a patients risk to develop periodontal disease. They can be smoking or using chewing tobacco, diabetes, steroids, denture and bridges that don’t fit, crooked teeth, old fillings and even pregnancy.

Preventing and treating Gum Disease

It is very important to always brush regularly, floss between teeth, eat a healthy diet and schedule regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations with the dentist. Treatments for gum disease can include scaling and root planning which is a deep cleaning, periodontal surgery and laser gum surgery