Dental Care for Your Baby

dental care for your baby

Baby's First Tooth

When the first tooth makes an appearance, its time to get your baby a soft toothbrush or a finger puppet like brush. At this stage, toothpaste isn’t necessary. If your baby doesn’t react well to the introduction of the toothbrush, you can always switch to the washcloth for a few months and then try the toothbrush once more. During their teething process, your baby will want to chew on somthing, a baby toothbrush with a teether can become a good toy.

Brushing with Toothpaste

When more teeth start to appear, you can try a small amount of toothpaste with the toothbrush. However, for the first two years, its best to avoid fluoride toothpaste, because too much fluoride can be too dangerous for youngsters. Once teeth start growing in, its very important to try and avoid cavities. Sugary foods or liquids in prolonged contact with teeth are a guarantee for early-childhood decay. So, it is very important to keep up with good oral hygiene. Most babies come in for their first visit within 6 months of the first tooth’s eruption. The earlier your baby comes for its first visit, the more likely their going to avoid problems. We will look for any signs of early problems with your baby's oral heath.